Dec. 31st - Lessons & Carols Service
Our musician this morning is Corey Olver. She has graciously agreed to continue to serve as our live/virtual musician. We are thankful for her service and look forward to beautiful music in the months to come! Email: [email protected] 5th Sunday Downstairs Worship Ever get tired of climbing the stairs to our upstairs sanctuary? On the 5th Sunday of the month we will have worship downstairs in the Fellowship Hall. Our next 5th Sunday is December 31st, Lessons & Carols. Join us for coffee & cookies afterwards! |
Lessons & Carols Service (click here)
Dec. 24th - Christmas Eve
Pastor Gow, Guest Preacher
Our guest preacher this morning is Reverend Bradley Gow. We welcome him to UTLC and look forward to sharing Christmas Eve worship with him. Our musician this morning is Corey Olver, performing virtually. She has graciously agreed to continue to serve as our live/virtual musician. We are thankful for her service and look forward to beautiful music in the months to come! Email: [email protected] |
Christmas Eve (click here)
Dec. 17th - Third SUNDAY OF ADVENT
Welcome Dr. Paul Nye, Guest Preacher
Our guest preacher this morning is Dr. Paul Nye. We welcome him back to UTLC and look forward to sharing Sunday morning worship with him. Our musician this morning is Corey Olver, performing virtually. She has graciously agreed to continue to serve as our live/virtual musician. We are thankful for her service and look forward to beautiful music in the months to come! Email: [email protected] |
Welcome Dr. Paul Nye, Guest Preacher
Our guest preacher this morning is Dr. Paul Nye. We welcome him back to UTLC and look forward to sharing Sunday morning worship with him. Our musician this morning is Corey Olver, performing virtually. She has graciously agreed to continue to serve as our live/virtual musician. We are thankful for her service and look forward to beautiful music in the months to come! Email: [email protected] Download this year's POINSETTIAS ORDER FORM here. |
Welcome Deacon Afflerbach
Our guest worship leader this morning is Deacon Kathleen Afflerbach. We welcome her back to UTLC and look forward to sharing Sunday morning worship with her. Our musician this morning is Kyle Page. Kyle previously served as our music director and is back in the area! He has agreed to assist Corey Olver in providing music for us. We are thankful for their service and look forward to beautiful music in the months to come! Email: [email protected] Download this year's POINSETTIAS ORDER FORM here. |
Nov. 26th - Twenty-sixth Sunday after Pentecost
Welcome Pastor Neifert
Our guest pastor this morning is Pastor Jody Neifert. We welcome him back to UTLC and look forward to sharing Sunday morning worship with him. Our musician this morning is Corey Olver. Corey Olver and Carl Shannon have graciously agreed to continue to serve as live/virtual musicians. We are thankful for their service during this time of transition, and we are grateful for their time & talent while we seek a Music Director. If you have any leads, please let us know. Email: [email protected] Advent season will begin in one week, download this year's POINSETTIAS ORDER FORM here. |
Nov. 19th - Twenty-fifth Sunday after Pentecost
Welcome Dr. Nye
Our guest preacher this morning is Dr. Paul Nye. We welcome him back to UTLC and look forward to sharing Sunday morning worship with him. Our musician this morning is Corey Olver. Corey Olver and Carl Shannon have graciously agreed to continue to serve as live/virtual musicians. We are thankful for their service during this time of transition, and we are grateful for their time & talent while we seek a Music Director. If you have any leads, please let us know. Email: [email protected] Advent season will begin in two weeks, download this year's POINSETTIAS ORDER FORM here. |
Nov. 12th - Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost
Welcome Dr. Nye
Our guest preacher this morning is Dr. Paul Nye. We welcome him back to UTLC and look forward to sharing Sunday morning worship with him. Our musician this morning is Carl Shannon. Corey Olver and Carl Shannon have graciously agreed to continue to serve as live/virtual musicians. We are thankful for their service during this time of transition, and we are grateful for their time & talent while we seek a Music Director. If you have any leads, please let us know. Email: [email protected] |
Nov. 5th - Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost
Welcome Deacon Afflerbach
Our guest worship leader this morning is Deacon Kathleen Afflerbach. We welcome her back to UTLC and look forward to sharing Sunday morning worship with her. Our musician this morning is Corey Olver. Corey Olver and Carl Shannon have graciously agreed to continue to serve as live/virtual musicians. We are thankful for their service during this time of transition, and we are grateful for their time & talent while we seek a Music Director. If you have any leads, please let us know. Email: [email protected] |
Oct. 29th - Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost
Welcome Pastor Ellis-Killian
Our guest pastor this morning is Pastor Sandra Ellis-Killian. We welcome her back to UTLC and look forward to sharing Sunday morning worship with her. Our musician this morning is Corey Olver. Corey Olver and Carl Shannon have graciously agreed to continue to serve as live/virtual musicians. We are thankful for their service during this time of transition, and we are grateful for their time & talent while we seek a Music Director. If you have any leads, please let us know. Email: [email protected] |
Oct. 22nd - Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost
Welcome Pastor Ellis-Killian
Our guest pastor this morning is Pastor Sandra Ellis-Killian. We welcome her back to UTLC and look forward to sharing Sunday morning worship with her. This Sunday's worship will be held downstairs in the fellowship hall, and it will be followed by a potluck lunch. Please bring a dish to share! Our musician this morning is Carl Shannon. Corey Olver and Carl Shannon have graciously agreed to continue to serve as live/virtual musicians. We are thankful for their service during this time of transition, and we are grateful for their time & talent while we seek a Music Director. If you have any leads, please let us know. Email: [email protected] |
Oct. 15th - Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost
Welcome Pastor Ellis-Killian
Our guest pastor this morning is Pastor Sandra Ellis-Killian. We welcome her back to UTLC and look forward to sharing Sunday morning worship with her. Our musician this morning is Corey Olver. Corey Olver and Carl Shannon have graciously agreed to continue to serve as live/virtual musicians. We are thankful for their service during this time of transition, and we are grateful for their time & talent while we seek a Music Director. If you have any leads, please let us know. Email: [email protected] |
Bulletin, Readings & Prayers (click here)
This week we celebrate the Blessing of the Animals, and you will find the readings incorporated into the bulletin.
Oct. 8th - Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Welcome Deacon Afflerbach
Our guest worship leader this morning is Deacon Kathleen Afflerbach We welcome her back to UTLC and look forward to sharing Sunday morning worship with her. Our musician this morning is Carl Shannon. Corey Olver and Carl Shannon have graciously agreed to continue to serve as live/virtual musicians. We are thankful for their service during this time of transition, and we are grateful for their time & talent while we seek a Music Director. If you have any leads, please let us know. Email: [email protected] |
Oct. 1st - Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Welcome back Pastor Ellis-Killian
Our guest pastor this morning is Pastor Sandra Ellis-Killian We welcome her back to UTLC and look forward to sharing Sunday morning worship with her. Our musician this morning is Corey Olver. Corey Olver and Carl Shannon have graciously agreed to continue to serve as live/virtual musicians. We are thankful for their service during this time of transition, and we are grateful for their time & talent while we seek a Music Director. If you have any leads, please let us know. Email: [email protected] |
Sept. 24th - Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost
Welcome back Pastor Ellis-Killian
Our guest pastor this morning is Pastor Sandra Ellis-Killian We welcome her back to UTLC and look forward to sharing Sunday morning worship with her. Our musician this morning is Corey Olver. Corey Olver and Carl Shannon have graciously agreed to continue to serve as live/virtual musicians. We are thankful for their service during this time of transition, and we are grateful for their time & talent while we seek a Music Director. If you have any leads, please let us know. Email: [email protected] |
Sept. 17th - Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost
*** UTLC Rummage Sale 9/22-23! ***
We will also be accepting donations for the rummage sale until 2pm. Welcome back Dr. Nye Our guest pastor this morning is Dr. Paul Nye. We welcome him back to UTLC and look forward to sharing Sunday morning worship with him. Our musician this morning is Carl Shannon. Corey Olver and Carl Shannon have graciously agreed to continue to serve as live/virtual musicians. We are thankful for their service during this time of transition, and we are grateful for their time & talent while we seek a Music Director. If you have any leads, please let us know. Email: [email protected] |
Sept. 10th - Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost
We will be collecting donations for The Lord's Pantry this Sunday in celebration of "God's work, our hands." Welcome back Dr. Nye Our guest pastor this morning is Dr. Paul Nye. We welcome him back to UTLC and look forward to sharing Sunday morning worship with him. Our musician this morning is Corey Olver. Corey Olver and Carl Shannon have graciously agreed to continue to serve as live/virtual musicians. We are thankful for their service during this time of transition, and we are grateful for their time & talent while we seek a Music Director. If you have any leads, please let us know. Email: [email protected] |
Sept. 3rd - Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost
In-person worship & Facebook live, 10AM Welcome back Pastor Ellis-Killian Our guest pastor this morning is Pastor Sandra Ellis-Killian. We welcome her back to UTLC and look forward to sharing Sunday morning worship with her. Our musician this morning is Corey Olver. Corey Olver and Carl Shannon have graciously agreed to continue to serve as live/virtual musicians. We are thankful for their service during this time of transition, and we are grateful for their time & talent while we seek a Music Director. If you have any leads, please let us know. Email: [email protected] |
Aug. 20th - Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost
In-person worship & Facebook live, 10AM Welcome back Dr. Nye Our guest pastor this morning is Dr. Paul Nye. We welcome him back to UTLC and look forward to sharing Sunday morning worship with him. Our musician this morning is Carl Shannon Corey Olver and Carl Shannon have graciously agreed to continue to serve as live/virtual musicians. We are thankful for their service during this time of transition, and we are grateful for their time & talent while we seek a Music Director. If you have any leads, please let us know. Email: [email protected] |
Bulletin (click here) |
Readings and Prayers (click here)
Aug. 27th - Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost
In-person worship & Facebook live, 10AM Welcome back Pastor Guidier Our guest pastor this morning is Pastor Shirley Guidier. You may remember Pastor Shirley served as one of our former interim Pastors. We welcome her back to UTLC and look forward to sharing Sunday morning worship with her. Our musician this morning is Corey Olver. Corey Olver and Carl Shannon have graciously agreed to continue to serve as live/virtual musicians. We are thankful for their service during this time of transition, and we are grateful for their time & talent while we seek a Music Director. If you have any leads, please let us know. Email: [email protected] |
Aug. 13th - Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost
In-person worship & Facebook live, 10AM Our musician this morning is Carl Shannon Corey Olver and Carl Shannon have graciously agreed to continue to serve as live/virtual musicians. We are thankful for their service during this time of transition, and we are grateful for their time & talent while we seek a Music Director. If you have any leads, please let us know. Email: [email protected] |
Bulletin (click here) |
Readings and Prayers (click here)
Aug. 6th - Tenth Sunday after Pentecost
In-person worship & Facebook live, 10AM Our musician this morning is Carl Shannon Corey Olver and Carl Shannon have graciously agreed to continue to serve as live/virtual musicians. We are thankful for their service during this time of transition, and we are grateful for their time & talent while we seek a Music Director. If you have any leads, please let us know. Email: [email protected] |
Bulletin (click here) |
Readings and Prayers (click here)
July 31st - Ninth Sunday after Pentecost
In-person worship & Facebook live, 10AM Welcome back Dr. Nye Our guest pastor this morning is Dr. Paul Nye. We welcome him back to UTLC and look forward to sharing Sunday morning worship with him. Our musician this morning is Corey Olver. Corey Olver and Carl Shannon have graciously agreed to continue to serve as live/virtual musicians. We are thankful for their service during this time of transition, and we are grateful for their time & talent while we seek a Music Director. If you have any leads, please let us know. Email: [email protected] |
Bulletin (click here) |
Readings and Prayers (click here)
July 16th - Seventh Sunday after Pentecost
In-person worship & Facebook live, 10AM Our musician this morning is Carl Shannon. Corey Olver and Carl Shannon have graciously agreed to continue to serve as live/virtual musicians. We are thankful for their service during this time of transition, and we are grateful for their time & talent while we seek a Music Director. If you have any leads, please let us know. Email: [email protected] |
Bulletin (click here)
Readings and Prayers (click here)
July 9th - Sixth Sunday after Pentecost
In-person worship & Facebook live, 10AM Our musician this morning is Carl Shannon. Corey Olver and Carl Shannon have graciously agreed to continue to serve as live/virtual musicians. We are thankful for their service during this time of transition, and we are grateful for their time & talent while we seek a Music Director. If you have any leads, please let us know. Email: [email protected] |
Bulletin (click here)
Readings and Prayers (click here)
July 2nd - Fifth Sunday after Pentecost
In-person worship & Facebook live, 10AM Our musician this morning is Carl Shannon. Corey Olver and Carl Shannon have graciously agreed to continue to serve as live/virtual musicians. We are thankful for their service during this time of transition, and we are grateful for their time & talent while we seek a Music Director. If you have any leads, please let us know. Email: [email protected] |
Bulletin (click here)
Readings and Prayers (click here)
June 25 - Fourth Sunday after Pentecost
“Those who find their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake will find it.” |
In-person worship & Facebook live, 10AM Welcome back Pastor Ellis-Killian Our guest pastor this morning is Pastor Sandra Ellis-Killian. We welcome her back to UTLC and look forward to sharing Sunday morning worship with her. Our musician this morning is Corey Olver. Corey Olver and Carl Shannon have graciously agreed to continue to serve as live/virtual musicians. We are thankful for their service during this time of transition, and we are grateful for their time & talent while we seek a Music Director. If you have any leads, please let us know. We are pleased to have had one of the Ed Peterson Memorial Award scholarship recipients, Lindsey Ulrey performs at today's service. The other recipient, William Clifford, performed on June 4 to share a piano piece with us. If you missed it, the replay is available on our Facebook page. (You can fast forward to the 22-minute mark to see his performance.) Email: [email protected] |
Bulletin (click here)
Readings and Prayers (click here)
June 18 - Third Sunday after Pentecost
‘Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few, therefore ask the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”’ Matthew 9:37-38 |
In-person worship & Facebook live, 10AM Welcome Back Deacon Kathie We are happy to welcome Deacon Kathleen Afflerbach back to our pulpit. We are looking forward to sharing Sunday worship with her. Thanks Deacon Kathie! Our musician this morning is Carl Shannon. Corey Olver and Carl Shannon have graciously agreed to continue to serve as live/virtual musicians. We are thankful for their service during this time of transition, and we are grateful for their time & talent while we seek a Music Director. If you have any leads, please let us know. Email: [email protected] |
June 11 - Second Sunday after Pentecost
‘Jesus turned, and seeing her he said, “Take heart, daughter, your faith has made you well.’ |
In-person worship & Facebook live, 10AM
Welcome back Pastor Ellis-Killian Our guest pastor this morning is Pastor Sandra Ellis-Killian. We welcome her back to UTLC and look forward to sharing Sunday morning worship with her. Our musician this morning is Carl Shannon. Corey Olver and Carl Shannon have graciously agreed to continue to serve as live/virtual musicians. We are thankful for their service during this time of transition, and we are grateful for their time & talent while we seek a Music Director. If you have any leads, please let us know. Email: [email protected] |
June 4 - First Sunday after Pentecost
"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” Matthew 28:19 |
In-person worship & Facebook live, 10AM
Welcome Back Dr. Nye We are happy to welcome Dr. Paul Nye back to our pulpit. We are looking forward to sharing Sunday worship with him. Thanks Dr. Nye! One of the recipients of the 2023 Ed Petersen Memorial award will be playing in church TOMORROW (Sunday, June 4). William Clifford will be performing Wedding Day at Troldhaugen by Edward Grieg. If you are able to make it to the service in person, please come to show your support! Our musician this morning is Corey Olver. Corey Olver and Carl Shannon have graciously agreed to continue to serve as live/virtual musicians. We are thankful for their service during this time of transition, and we are grateful for their time & talent while we seek a Music Director. If you have any leads, please let us know. Email: [email protected] |
‘When he had said this, he breathed on them and said to |
In-person worship & Zoom , 10am
Welcome Pastor Taylor (via ZOOM) We welcome back Pastor Tim Taylor, our guest pastor this morning. Pastor Taylor presided as Pastor at UTLC during the early 2000s, many of us remember his enthusiasm and vibrancy especially with the youth. We are looking forward to sharing Sunday worship from Florida via Zoom with him. (Photo is at his farewell luncheon leanding "Great We Will We Will Praise You food blessing!" Come to the sanctuary, where we will broadcast Pastor Taylor on the big screen TV. The Zoom link is in the announcements emailed out. We welcome him to UTLC and look forward to sharing worship with him. Our musician this morning is Corey Olver. Corey Olver and Carl Shannon have graciously agreed to continue to serve as live/virtual musicians. We are thankful for their service during this time of transition, and we are grateful for their time & talent while we seek a Music Director. If you have any leads, please let us know. Email: [email protected] |
May 21st * Seventh Sunday of Easter
"All mine are yours, and yours are mine; and I have been glorified in them.” |
In-person worship & Facebook live, 10am
Welcome, Pastor Shirley We are happy to welcome Pastor Shirley Guidier back to our pulpit. You may remember Pastor Shirley served as one of our former interim Pastors. We are looking forward to sharing Sunday worship with her and catching up! Thanks Pastor Shirley! Our musician this morning is Carl Shannon. Corey Olver and Carl Shannon have graciously agreed to continue to serve as live/virtual musicians. We are thankful for their service during this time of transition, and we are grateful for their time & talent while we seek a Music Director. If you have any leads, please let us know. Email: [email protected] |
May 14th * Sixth Sunday of Easter
“This is the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, |
In-person worship & Facebook live, 10am
Welcome Back Deacon Kathie We are happy to welcome Deacon Kathleen Afflerbach back to our pulpit. We are looking forward to sharing Sunday worship with her. Thanks Deacon Kathie! Our musician this morning is Carl Shannon. Corey Olver and Carl Shannon have graciously agreed to continue to serve as live/virtual musicians. We are thankful for their service during this time of transition, and we are grateful for their time & talent while we seek a Music Director. If you have any leads, please let us know. Email: [email protected] |
May 7th * Fifth Sunday of Easter
“Very Truly, I tell you, the one who believes in me will also do the works that I do and, in fact, will do greater works than these, because I am going to the Father.”
John 14:12 Welcome Back Dr. Nye We are happy to welcome Dr. Paul Nye back to our pulpit. We are looking forward to sharing Sunday worship with him. Thanks Dr. Nye! In-person worship & Facebook live, 10am Our musician this morning is Carl Shannon. Corey Olver and Carl Shannon have graciously agreed to continue to serve as live/virtual musicians. We are thankful for their service during this time of transition, and we are grateful for their time & talent while we seek a Music Director. If you have any leads, please let us know. Email: [email protected] |
April 30 * Fourth Sunday of Easter
“I am the gate. Whoever enters by me will be saved, and will come in and go out and find pasture.”
John 10:9 Welcome Back Dr. Nye We are happy to welcome Dr. Paul Nye back to our pulpit. We are looking forward to sharing Sunday worship with him. Thanks Dr. Nye! In-person worship & Facebook live, 10am Our musician this morning is Corey Olver. Corey Olver and Carl Shannon have graciously agreed to continue to serve as live/virtual musicians. We are thankful for their service during this time of transition, and we are grateful for their time & talent while we seek a Music Director. If you have any leads, please let us know. Email: [email protected] |
April 23 * Third Sunday of Easter
‘They said to each other. “Were not our hearts burning within us while he was talking to us on the road, while he was opening the scriptures to us?’ Luke 24:32
Welcome Deacon Kathie We are happy to welcome Deacon Kathie Applebach back to our pulpit. We are looking forward to sharing Sunday worship with her. Thanks Deacon Kathie! In-person worship & Facebook live, 10am Our musician this morning is Carl Shannon. He and Corey Olver have graciously agreed to continue to serve as live/virtual musicians. We are thankful for their service during this time of transition, and we are grateful for their time & talent while we seek a Music Director. If you have any leads, please let us know. Email: [email protected] |
April 16 * Second Sunday of Easter
"Jesus said to him “Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have come to believe.”’ John 20:29
Welcome, Pastor Shirley We are happy to welcome Pastor Shirley Guidier back to our pulpit. You may remember Pastor Shirley served as one of our former interim Pastors. We are looking forward to sharing Sunday worship with her and catching up! Thanks Pastor Shirley In-person worship & Facebook live, 10am Our musician this morning is Carl Shannon. He and Corey Olver have graciously agreed to continue to serve as live/virtual musicians. We are thankful for their service during this time of transition, and we are grateful for their time & talent while we seek a Music Director. If you have any leads, please let us know. Email: [email protected] |
April 9 * Easter Sunday
‘Then go quickly and tell his disciples, “He has been raised from the dead, and indeed he is going ahead of you to Galilee; there you will see him.” This is my message for you.’ Matthew 28:7
Today’s Worship Join us for Worship today at Sky Island at 6:30am. There will not be a 10:00 AM service today but the sanctuary will be open until 12 noon for prayer and meditation. Event signs are out in the local area. Search the church address and/or put in your GPS 188 Upper Tinicum Church Rd, PA 18972. Welcome, Pastor Heckman We are happy to welcome Pastor Jim Heckman. We are looking forward to sharing Easter Sunday worship with him. Thanks Pastor Heckman! Today’s Musician Our musician this morning is Corey Email: [email protected] |
Bulletin (click here)
April 2 * Palm Sunday
‘Jesus said to him, “You have said so. But I tell you, From now on you will see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of Power and coming on the clouds of heaven.”’ Matthew 26:64
Welcome Back, Dr. Nye We are happy to welcome back Dr. Paul Nye. We are looking forward to sharing Palm Sunday worship with him. Thanks Dr. Nye! In-person worship & Facebook live, 10am Our musician this morning is Corey Olver. Email: [email protected] |
March 26th, 2023 * 5th Sunday in Lent
‘Jesus said to her, “Did I not tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of God?”’ John 11:40
Welcome Back, Pastor Neifert Pastor Jody Neifert (Corey’s dad) will be leading worship that day. Come to hear Pastor Jody preach and enjoy the inspirational music that occurs when Corey and the Neiferts are together! Thanks Pastor Neifert! In-person worship & Facebook live, 10am Our musician this morning is Corey Olver. Email: [email protected] |
March 19th, 2023 * 4th Sunday in Lent
‘Jesus said, “I came into this world for judgment so that those who do not see may see, and those who do see may become blind.”’ John 9:39
Welcome Back, Dr. Nye We are happy to welcome back Dr. Paul Nye of Quakertown, PA. We are looking forward to sharing Sunday worship with him. Thanks Dr. Nye! In-person worship & Facebook live, 10am Our musician this morning is Corey Olver. Email: [email protected] |
March 5th, 2023 * Second Sunday in Lent
“For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.” John 3:16
In-person worship & Facebook live, 10am Our musician this morning is Carl Shannon. Email: [email protected] |
Feb. 19th, 2023 * Transfiguration Sunday
“While he was still speaking, suddenly a bright cloud overshadowed them, and from the cloud a voice said, ‘This is my Son, the Beloved: with him I am well pleased; listen to him!.” Matthew 17:5
Welcome Back Dr. Nye We are happy to welcome back Dr. Paul Nye of Quakertown, PA. We are looking forward to sharing Sunday worship with him. Thanks Dr. Nye. In-person worship & Facebook live, 10am Our musician this morning is Carl Shannon. Email: [email protected] |
Feb. 12th, 2023 * Sixth Sunday after Epiphany
“Let your word be ‘Yes, Yes’ or ‘No, No’; anything more than this comes from the evil one.”
Matthew 5:37 We will be having a lay leader presiding over worship this morning. In-person worship & Facebook live, 10am Our musician this morning is Corey Olver.. Email: [email protected] |
Bulletin (click here) |
Readings and Prayers (click here)
Feb. 5th, 2023 * Fifth Sunday after Epiphany
In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16
Welcome Back Dr. Nye We are happy to welcome back Dr. Paul Nye of Quakertown, PA. We are looking forward to sharing Sunday worship with him. Thanks Dr. Nye!
In-person worship & Facebook live, 10am
Our musician this morning is Carl Shannon.
Email: [email protected]
Welcome Back Dr. Nye We are happy to welcome back Dr. Paul Nye of Quakertown, PA. We are looking forward to sharing Sunday worship with him. Thanks Dr. Nye!
In-person worship & Facebook live, 10am
Our musician this morning is Carl Shannon.
Email: [email protected]
January 29th, 2023 * Fourth Sunday after Epiphany
“Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.” Matthew 5:12
Welcome back Pastor Sandra Ellis-Killian
Our guest pastor this morning is Pastor Sandra Ellis-Killian. We welcome her back to UTLC and look forward to sharing Sunday morning worship with her.
In-person worship & Facebook live, 10am
Our musician this morning is Corey Olver.
Email: [email protected]
Welcome back Pastor Sandra Ellis-Killian
Our guest pastor this morning is Pastor Sandra Ellis-Killian. We welcome her back to UTLC and look forward to sharing Sunday morning worship with her.
In-person worship & Facebook live, 10am
Our musician this morning is Corey Olver.
Email: [email protected]
January 15th, 2023 * Second Sunday after Epiphany
“[John the Baptist} saw Jesus coming toward him and declared, ’Here is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!’” John 1: 29
Welcome back Pastor Sandra Ellis-Killian
Our guest pastor this morning is Pastor Sandra Ellis-Killian. We welcome her back to UTLC and look forward to sharing Sunday morning worship with her.
In-person worship & Facebook live, 10am
Our musician this morning is Corey Olver..
Email: [email protected]
Welcome back Pastor Sandra Ellis-Killian
Our guest pastor this morning is Pastor Sandra Ellis-Killian. We welcome her back to UTLC and look forward to sharing Sunday morning worship with her.
In-person worship & Facebook live, 10am
Our musician this morning is Corey Olver..
Email: [email protected]
We post resources the night prior to the service. At this time there is no specific service posted on Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod for Jan. 1st. the First Sunday of Christmas. Please entertain watching Dec. 25th's video and/or reading
the a readings available for Jan. 1st. Most of all please have a blessed New years!.
Join with our Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod in a Christmas Day video worship. We offer this worship service so that our pastor and worship leaders may spend Christmas Day with their families. Join in this service by viewing the video on Dec. 25 (available Dec. 24th at noon)
the a readings available for Jan. 1st. Most of all please have a blessed New years!.
Join with our Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod in a Christmas Day video worship. We offer this worship service so that our pastor and worship leaders may spend Christmas Day with their families. Join in this service by viewing the video on Dec. 25 (available Dec. 24th at noon)