"Reflections on Trentham: Breathe on Me, Breath of God" Performed by Corey Niefert Olver.

Service is cancelled Sunday 2/9 due to the weather. Stay safe and stay home everyone!
Important Dates for Your Calendar
Weather Alerts:
Check here, WFMZ TV station 69,or our Facebook page for weather-related closings & changes. Offering Envelopes
2025 offering envelopes are available for pick up on the table in the church entry. Please pick yours up ASAP to save postage! Sharing God’s Gifts = Sharing God’s Love Sharing God’s Word and love requires everyone’s faithful support. Whether you worship in-person or from home, please share gifts to help us to maintain our outreach ministries, facilities and staff. In 2025 UTLC present's two challenges! Challenge #1: Jump to the next level of giving from what you gave last year – a few dollars each week can make a big difference over the course of 52 weeks. Challenge #2: giving a $50 (or greater) gift at Easter and $100 (or greater) gift at Christmas. If everyone takes part in one or both of these challenges, we can maintain/increase 2025 giving allow us to expand our service to God and community. Please mail offerings & special gifts to: UTLC, PO Box 166, Upper Black Eddy, 18972. |
Prayer Request
Please keep the families of Alice H. and Lois M. in your prayers as they mourn the passing of their family matriarchs. Both Alice and Lois were church matriarchs as well who gave freely of their time and talents. We will miss them. Council Members
We’re still looking for people to serve on church council. No experience necessary! We meet once a month on Zoom for no longer than 2 hours so a big time commitment is not necessary. We would really like some fresh input and ideas on how to make Upper Tinicum the best it can be. Please prayerfully consider if you could help. Contact Carol D. or Ingrid J. if you are interested. 5th Sunday Downstairs Worship & Lunch
5th Sunday Downstairs Worship Ever get tired of climbing the stairs to our upstairs sanctuary? On the 5th Sunday of the month (in months that have 5 Sundays) we will have worship downstairs in the Fellowship Hall. Our next downstairs service is March 30, 2025. Mark your calendars! ![]() St Peter’s Grief Sharing Group
This group is to help those who are having difficulty with losing a loved one. It is not run by professional therapists, but by others who have lost a loved one and want to help those dealing with the same situation. The group meets every 2nd Wednesday of each month in the church hall at 6PM. 305 Delaware Road, Riegelsville, PA. Please call 610-749-0830 for additional information. Trinity Pleasant Valley Prime Timers
Trinity Pleasant Valley has re-activated its Prime Timers program. Schedule: the first Tuesday of every month at noon at Trinity in the fellowship hall. The program is open to any adult who is available at that time. If you are interested in becoming a member of Upper Tinicum Lutheran Church please see Carol or Ingrid or email us at [email protected].
Ed Peterson Memorial Award - 2024
Congratulations to Owen Brandes and Cora Anderson, the two winners of the Ed Peterson Memorial Award! Owen and Cora received their awards, including a $500 scholarship check for each on Monday, May 28 at the Palisades High School award ceremony. We wish both of these talented young people much luck and happiness as they continue their education.
Our two Ed Peterson scholarship recipients, Owen Brandes and Cora Anderson, are performing in church Sunday August 11th at the 10am Service! We will be having a small reception for them after worship. Please come, meet these special young performers, and enjoy some coffee, bagels, and fruit!
Congratulations to Owen Brandes and Cora Anderson, the two winners of the Ed Peterson Memorial Award! Owen and Cora received their awards, including a $500 scholarship check for each on Monday, May 28 at the Palisades High School award ceremony. We wish both of these talented young people much luck and happiness as they continue their education.
Our two Ed Peterson scholarship recipients, Owen Brandes and Cora Anderson, are performing in church Sunday August 11th at the 10am Service! We will be having a small reception for them after worship. Please come, meet these special young performers, and enjoy some coffee, bagels, and fruit!
Ed Peterson Memorial Award - 2023
The first annual Ed Peterson Memorial Award scholarships were awarded to Lindsay Ulrey and William Clifford, seniors at Palisades High School. Diane Marshall presented the awards at the High School awards ceremony on Monday, May 22. Congratulations to both these young people and best wishes for the future!
We were pleased to have had one of the scholarship recipients, William Clifford, join us last week to share a piano piece with us. If you missed it, the replay is available on our Facebook page. (You can fast forward to the 22-minute mark to see his performance.) Please join us on June 25th when Lindsay Ulrey will share their talents with us.
The first annual Ed Peterson Memorial Award scholarships were awarded to Lindsay Ulrey and William Clifford, seniors at Palisades High School. Diane Marshall presented the awards at the High School awards ceremony on Monday, May 22. Congratulations to both these young people and best wishes for the future!
We were pleased to have had one of the scholarship recipients, William Clifford, join us last week to share a piano piece with us. If you missed it, the replay is available on our Facebook page. (You can fast forward to the 22-minute mark to see his performance.) Please join us on June 25th when Lindsay Ulrey will share their talents with us.

Francis V. Barnes
+ Blessed are they who die in the Lord +We extend our prayers & sympathy to Patti Barnes and her family. Francis entered eternal life on Sat., Sept. 18, 2021 in the Hospital of the Univ. of Pennsylvania. A Celebration of Francis' Life will be held next Sunday, Oct. 3, 2021 at 10am at the Palisades High School Athletic Field, Kintnersville, PA. The Rev. Timothy Taylor will officiate. Full obituary can be found here.
+ Blessed are they who die in the Lord +We extend our prayers & sympathy to Patti Barnes and her family. Francis entered eternal life on Sat., Sept. 18, 2021 in the Hospital of the Univ. of Pennsylvania. A Celebration of Francis' Life will be held next Sunday, Oct. 3, 2021 at 10am at the Palisades High School Athletic Field, Kintnersville, PA. The Rev. Timothy Taylor will officiate. Full obituary can be found here.

Sean Hanczaryk
In the living hope of the Resurrection Upper Tinicum Lutheran Church requests your prayers and sympathy on behalf of the Hanczaryk family following the sudden death of Sean Hanczaryk on Saturday, March 6, 2021 Sean is remembered for his infectious smile and kind heart. He was a vibrant member of our youth ministry before leaving for DeSales University where he was a Senior and a member of the DeSales baseball team. As we pray for Paul, Carolyn & Danny during this difficult time, the Hanczaryk family has also requested prayers for Brandon, Sean's college roommate, who remains in critical condition. Visitation is scheduled for Monday, March 15 from 5-8 pm at Johnson-Walton Funeral Home The Funeral service, on Tuesday, March 16.For specific details visit: https://athletics.desales.edu/sports/baseball/roster/sean-hanczaryk/6033. Officiating Clergy: Rev. Jim Greenfield, DeSales University & Rev. John Hansen, Upper Tinicum Lutheran Church Sean's DeSales Baseball biography (number 23). https://athletics.desales.edu/sports/baseball/roster/sean-hanczaryk/6033
In the living hope of the Resurrection Upper Tinicum Lutheran Church requests your prayers and sympathy on behalf of the Hanczaryk family following the sudden death of Sean Hanczaryk on Saturday, March 6, 2021 Sean is remembered for his infectious smile and kind heart. He was a vibrant member of our youth ministry before leaving for DeSales University where he was a Senior and a member of the DeSales baseball team. As we pray for Paul, Carolyn & Danny during this difficult time, the Hanczaryk family has also requested prayers for Brandon, Sean's college roommate, who remains in critical condition. Visitation is scheduled for Monday, March 15 from 5-8 pm at Johnson-Walton Funeral Home The Funeral service, on Tuesday, March 16.For specific details visit: https://athletics.desales.edu/sports/baseball/roster/sean-hanczaryk/6033. Officiating Clergy: Rev. Jim Greenfield, DeSales University & Rev. John Hansen, Upper Tinicum Lutheran Church Sean's DeSales Baseball biography (number 23). https://athletics.desales.edu/sports/baseball/roster/sean-hanczaryk/6033

The Future Church
The ELCA’s Future Church model is based on the belief that the goal of Christ’s Church is to introduce more people to the way of Jesus and experience God’s grace in action. This new design identifies three priority areas: a welcoming church that engages new, young and diverse people; a thriving church rooted in tradition and radically relevant; and a connected, sustainable church that shares in a common purpose and direction. Be the Church!
The ELCA’s Future Church model is based on the belief that the goal of Christ’s Church is to introduce more people to the way of Jesus and experience God’s grace in action. This new design identifies three priority areas: a welcoming church that engages new, young and diverse people; a thriving church rooted in tradition and radically relevant; and a connected, sustainable church that shares in a common purpose and direction. Be the Church!
A Prayer for Our Nation As a nation, we mourn the the violence and loss of life that occurred at our nation's Capitol on Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2021. As Christians, we are reminded of the "Great Commandment" that Jesus teaches us, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, strength and mind and your neighbor as yourself." Please keep our elected leaders & their staffs, security forces, first responders and all citizens of all political ideologies in your prayers. Also pray for peace and justice for all God's children, everywhere.
“Eternal God, amid all the turmoil and changes of the world your love is steadfast and your strength never fails. In this time of danger and trouble, be to us a sure guardian and rock of defense. Guide the leaders of our nation with your wisdom, comfort those in distress, and grant us courage and hope to face the future; through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen.” (ELW additional prayers)
“Eternal God, amid all the turmoil and changes of the world your love is steadfast and your strength never fails. In this time of danger and trouble, be to us a sure guardian and rock of defense. Guide the leaders of our nation with your wisdom, comfort those in distress, and grant us courage and hope to face the future; through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen.” (ELW additional prayers)