December 29th – First Sunday of Christmas
As we continue to celebrate the Christmas season, join us for a service of Lessons and Carols this Sunday at 10am. We will be downstairs this week in the fellowship hall.
Email: [email protected] |
Bulletin (click here)
December 24th – Christmas Eve
Bishop Bryan Penman, Guest Pastor
Our guest preacher this evening is Bishop Penman of the Southeast PA Synod. We welcome him to UTLC and look forward to sharing our Christmas Eve worship with him. Email: [email protected] |
Bulletin (click here)
December 22nd – Fourth Sunday of Advent
Pastor Shirley Guider , Guest Pastor
Pastor Shirley Guider returns to lead our worship this week. Join us for the 4th Sunday in Advent at 10am and streaming live on Facebook. Baptism Today Today we receive into the church Peyton and Weston G. through the sacrament of Holy Baptism. They are the children of Doug and Laura G., grandchildren of Peggy and Richard G. and great-grandchildren of Alice H.! Congratulations to all! Email: [email protected] |
‘He said to them, “Why were you searching for me? Did you not know that I must be in my Father’s house?”’ Luke 2:49
December 15th – Third Sunday of Advent
Pastor Sandra Ellis-Killian, Guest Pastor
Our guest preacher this morning is Pastor Sandra Ellis-Killian. We welcome her to UTLC and look forward to sharing Sunday morning worship with her. Email: [email protected] |
“I baptize you with water: but one who is more powerful than I is coming. …He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.” Luke 3:16
December 8th – Second Sunday of Advent
Pastor Sandra Ellis-Killian, Guest Pastor
Our guest preacher this morning is Pastor Sandra Ellis-Killian. We welcome her to UTLC and look forward to sharing Sunday morning worship with her. Email: [email protected] |
“The voice of one crying out in the wilderness: Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.” Luke 3:4
December 1st – First Sunday of Advent
We are happy to welcome back Pastor Sandra Ellis-Killian this week! She will lead our worship for the first Sunday in Advent.
Email: [email protected] |
“Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.” Luke 21:33
November 24th, 2024 – Christ the King Sunday
Rev. Shirley Guider, Guest Pastor
Rev. Shirley Guider returns to lead our worship this week for Christ the King Sunday. Join us in the sanctuary at 10am and streaming live here on Facebook. Email: [email protected] |
“Jesus answered, “You say that I am a king. For this I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth.” John 18:37
November 17th, 2024 - Twenty-sixth Sunday after Pentecost
Pastor David Lutcher, Guest Pastor
Our guest preacher this morning is Pastor David Lutcher. Pastor Lutcher is a recent addition to our supply Pastor line up! We welcome him to UTLC and look forward to sharing Sunday morning worship with him. Email: [email protected] |
November 10th, 2024 - Twenty-fifth Sunday after Pentecost
Pulpit Exchange – Today! Today is the PALM pulpit exchange. The 6 PALM church Pastors are shaking things up by trading pulpits for the day! Pastor Shirley Guider will be our representative but she won’t be at UTLC. We’ll have one of the other 5 PALM Pastors. Who will it be? Find out today at 10 AM! Email: [email protected] |
November 3rd, 2024 - ALL SAINTS SUNDAY
We are happy to have Pastor Tim Taylor back with us this week leading worship via Zoom! We may not be on Facebook Live (we will try) but you can join the Zoom with this link: Remember to turn your clocks back, and join us for a pot luck lunch after the service. Email: [email protected] |
October 27th - Reformation Sunday
This week is Reformation Sunday so remember to wear red! Dr. Paul Nye will return to lead our worship service.
Email: [email protected] |
October 20th - Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost
This week our council president Carol D. will lead our worship service.
Our musician this morning is Charity Jones. She is a friend of Corey’s who has agreed to help fill in when Corey is out. Thanks Charity, we look forward to getting to know you and hearing you play and sing! Email: [email protected] |
October 13th - Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost
This Sunday is the Crop Walk, and there is still time to donate! Some proceeds will go to help the hurricane victims in NC. Our church council member Ingrid Johnson will lead the worship service this week. Join us at 10am in the sanctuary or streaming live here on Facebook.
Our musician this morning is Corey Olver. She has graciously agreed to continue to serve as our live/virtual musician. We are thankful for her service and look forward to beautiful music in the months to come! Email: [email protected] |
October 6th - Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost
Dr. Paul Nye, Guest Pastor
Please continue to pray for Pastor Sandra Ellis-Killian as she is recovering from knee surgery. Dr. Paul Nye returns to lead our worship this week. Join us in the sanctuary at 10am Sunday or streaming live here on Facebook. Our musician this morning is Corey Olver. She has graciously agreed to continue to serve as our live/virtual musician. We are thankful for her service and look forward to beautiful music in the months to come! Email: [email protected] |
September 29th - Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Dr. Paul Nye, Guest Pastor
This week Dr. Paul Nye will lead our worship in the downstairs fellowship room. We hope you can join us! Our musician this morning is Corey Olver. She has graciously agreed to continue to serve as our live/virtual musician. We are thankful for her service and look forward to beautiful music in the months to come! Email: [email protected] |
September 22nd - Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Pastor Ellis-Killian, Guest Pastor
Our guest preacher this morning is Pastor Sandra Ellis-Killian. We welcome her back to UTLC and look forward to sharing Sunday morning worship with her. October 4 is the Feast Day of St. Francis of Assisi, known for his love of animals. We will be remembering St. Francis on Sunday, September 22 at 10 AM, with a Blessing of the Animals service led by Pastor Sandra Ellis-Killian. Everyone is invited to bring their pets for a blessing but please follow these guidelines: Keep your critter on a leash or in crate. If your pet can't come in person, bring a photo and we'll bless your pet in absentia. Plan to introduce your pet briefly. Bring whatever your critter may need for the time you're here. Clean up after your pet if cleanup is needed. Children may bring a stuffed animal to be blessed Our musician this morning is Corey Olver. She has graciously agreed to continue to serve as our live/virtual musician. We are thankful for her service and look forward to beautiful music in the months to come! Email: [email protected] |
Bulletin & Readings (click here) - Blessing of the Animals
September 15th - Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost
Dr. Paul Nye, Guest Pastor
Our guest preacher this morning is Dr. Paul Nye. We welcome him back to UTLC and look forward to sharing Sunday morning worship with him. Our musician this morning is Corey Olver. She has graciously agreed to continue to serve as our live/virtual musician. We are thankful for her service and look forward to beautiful music in the months to come! Email: [email protected] |
September 8th - Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Pastor Ellis-Killian, Guest Pastor
Our guest preacher this morning is Pastor Sandra Ellis-Killian. We welcome her back to UTLC and look forward to sharing Sunday morning worship with her. Our musician this morning is Corey Olver. She has graciously agreed to continue to serve as our live/virtual musician. We are thankful for her service and look forward to beautiful music in the months to come! Email: [email protected] |
Sept. 1st - Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost
September 1 - Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost,
In-person worship at Tinicum UCC Location: Tinicum United Church of Christ, 310 East Dark Hollow Road, Pipersville, PA 18947 Zoom link: Email: [email protected] |
August 25th - Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Dr. Paul Nye, Guest Pastor
Our guest preacher this morning is Dr. Paul Nye. We welcome him back to UTLC and look forward to sharing Sunday morning worship with him. Our musician this morning is Corey Olver. She has graciously agreed to continue to serve as our live/virtual musician. We are thankful for her service and look forward to beautiful music in the months to come! Email: [email protected] |
August 18th - Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Pastor Ellis-Killian, Guest Pastor
Our guest preacher this morning is Pastor Sandra Ellis-Killian. We welcome her back to UTLC and look forward to sharing Sunday morning worship with her. Our musician this morning is Corey Olver. She has graciously agreed to continue to serve as our live/virtual musician. We are thankful for her service and look forward to beautiful music in the months to come! Email: [email protected] |
August 11th - Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost
Pastor Guider, Guest Pastor
Our guest preacher this morning is Pastor Shirley Guider. We welcome her back to UTLC and look forward to sharing Sunday morning worship with her. Our musician this morning is Corey Olver. She has graciously agreed to continue to serve as our live/virtual musician. We are thankful for her service and look forward to beautiful music in the months to come! Reception for Ed Peterson scholarship recipients Our two Ed Peterson scholarship recipients, Owen Brandes and Cora Anderson, are performing in church this morning! We will be having a small reception for them after worship. Please come, meet these special young performers, and enjoy some coffee, bagels, and fruit!s Email: [email protected] |
August 4th - Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost
This week our lay worship leader is our council president Carol DiGuardia. Join us at 10am in the sanctuary or streaming live here on Facebook. We have air conditioning! Our musician this morning is Corey Olver. She has graciously agreed to continue to serve as our live/virtual musician. We are thankful for her service and look forward to beautiful music in the months to come! Email: [email protected] |
July 28th - Tenth Sunday after Pentecost
Dr. Paul Nye, Guest Pastor
Our guest preacher this morning is Dr. Paul Nye. We welcome him back to UTLC and look forward to sharing Sunday morning worship with him. Our musician this morning is Corey Olver. She has graciously agreed to continue to serve as our live/virtual musician. We are thankful for her service and look forward to beautiful music in the months to come! Email: [email protected] |
July 21st - Ninth Sunday after Pentecost
*** We have power back and most roads are open, we will be having in-person service today ***
Dr. Paul Nye, Guest Pastor Our guest preacher this morning is Dr. Paul Nye. We welcome him back to UTLC and look forward to sharing Sunday morning worship with him. Our musician this morning is Corey Olver. She has graciously agreed to continue to serve as our live/virtual musician. We are thankful for her service and look forward to beautiful music in the months to come! Email: [email protected] |
July 14th - Eigth Sunday after Pentecost
Pastor Guider, Guest Pastor
Our guest preacher this morning is Pastor Shirley Guider. We welcome her back to UTLC and look forward to sharing Sunday morning worship with her. Our musician this morning is Corey Olver. She has graciously agreed to continue to serve as our live/virtual musician. We are thankful for her service and look forward to beautiful music in the months to come! Email: [email protected] |
July 7th - Seventh Sunday after Pentecost
We continue celebrating the season of Pentecost this Sunday at 10am in our air conditioned sanctuary. Our council president Carol DiGuardia will lead our service this week.
Our musician this morning is Corey Olver. She has graciously agreed to continue to serve as our live/virtual musician. We are thankful for her service and look forward to beautiful music in the months to come! Email: [email protected] |
June 30th - Sixth Sunday after Pentecost
Today's worship will be celebrated at the Fellowship Hall downstairs, followed by a potluck lunch!
Pastor Sandra Ellis-Killian, Guest Pastor Our guest preacher this morning is Pastor Sandra Ellis-Killian. We welcome her back to UTLC and look forward to sharing Sunday morning worship with her. Our musician this morning is Corey Olver. She has graciously agreed to continue to serve as our live/virtual musician. We are thankful for her service and look forward to beautiful music in the months to come! Email: [email protected] |
June 23rd - Fifth Sunday after Pentecost
Dr. Paul Nye, Guest Pastor
Our guest preacher this morning is Dr. Paul Nye. We welcome him back to UTLC and look forward to sharing Sunday morning worship with him. Our musician this morning is Corey Olver. She has graciously agreed to continue to serve as our live/virtual musician. We are thankful for her service and look forward to beautiful music in the months to come! Email: [email protected] |
June 16th - Fourth Sunday after Pentecost
Dr. Jody Neifert, Guest Pastor
Our guest preacher this morning is Dr. Jody Neifert. We welcome him back to UTLC and look forward to sharing Sunday morning worship with him. Our musician this morning is Corey Olver. She has graciously agreed to continue to serve as our live/virtual musician. We are thankful for her service and look forward to beautiful music in the months to come! Email: [email protected] |
June 9th - Third Sunday after Pentecost
Dr. Paul Nye, Guest Pastor
Our guest preacher this morning is Dr. Paul Nye. We welcome him back to UTLC and look forward to sharing Sunday morning worship with him. Our musician this morning is Corey Olver. She has graciously agreed to continue to serve as our live/virtual musician. We are thankful for her service and look forward to beautiful music in the months to come! Email: [email protected] |
Jun 2nd - Second Trinity Sunday
Pastor Guider, Guest Pastor
Our guest preacher this morning is Pastor Shirley Guider. We welcome her back to UTLC and look forward to sharing Sunday morning worship with her. Our musician this morning is Corey Olver. She has graciously agreed to continue to serve as our live/virtual musician. We are thankful for her service and look forward to beautiful music in the months to come! Email: [email protected] |
May 26th - Holy Trinity Sunday
Pastor Ellis-Killian, Guest Pastor
Our guest preacher this morning is Pastor Sandra Ellis-Killian. We welcome her back to UTLC and look forward to sharing Sunday morning worship with her. Our musician this morning is Corey Olver. She has graciously agreed to continue to serve as our live/virtual musician. We are thankful for her service and look forward to beautiful music in the months to come! Email: [email protected] |
May 19th - Day of Pentecost
Pastor Ellis-Killian, Guest Pastor
Our guest preacher this morning is Pastor Sandra Ellis-Killian. We welcome her back to UTLC and look forward to sharing Sunday morning worship with her. Our musician this morning is Kyle Page. Kyle previously served as our music director and is back in the area! He has agreed to assist Corey Olver in providing music for us. We are thankful for their service and look forward to beautiful music! Pentecost, the “birthday” of the church is today! Remember to wear red, the official color of Pentecost. In years past we have decorated the sanctuary with red geraniums. This year, everyone is invited to donate any red flowering plants for decoration. Just buy plants with red flowers and bring them to church before May 19th . We’ll do the decorating! Email: [email protected] |
May 12th - Seventh Sunday of Easter
Dr. Paul Nye, Guest Pastor
Our guest preacher this morning is Dr. Paul Nye. We welcome him back to UTLC and look forward to sharing Sunday morning worship with him. Our musician this morning is Corey Olver. She has graciously agreed to continue to serve as our live/virtual musician. We are thankful for her service and look forward to beautiful music in the months to come. Email: [email protected] |
May 5th - Sixth Sunday of Easter
Pastor Ellis-Killian, Guest Pastor
Our guest preacher this morning is Pastor Sandra Ellis-Killian. We welcome her back to UTLC and look forward to sharing Sunday morning worship with her. Our musician this morning is Corey Olver. She has graciously agreed to continue to serve as our live/virtual musician. We are thankful for her service and look forward to beautiful music in the months to come. Email: [email protected] |
April 28th - Fifth Sunday of Easter
Pastor Ellis-Killian, Guest Pastor
Our guest preacher this morning is Pastor Sandra Ellis-Killian. We welcome her back to UTLC and look forward to sharing Sunday morning worship with her. Our musician this morning is Kyle Page. He is filling in for Corey on her weekend off. We are thankful for his service and look forward to seeing him again and hearing him play! Email: [email protected] |
The reading and Prayers are not available on line this week.
April 21th - Fourth Sunday of Easter
Pastor Ellis-Killian, Guest Pastor
Our guest preacher this morning is Pastor Sandra Ellis-Killian. We welcome her back to UTLC and look forward to sharing Sunday morning worship with her. Our musician this morning is Corey Olver. She has graciously agreed to continue to serve as our live/virtual musician. We are thankful for her service and look forward to beautiful music in the months to come. Email: [email protected] |
April 14th - Third Sunday of Easter
Pastor Ellis-Killian, Guest Pastor
Our guest preacher this morning is Pastor Sandra Ellis-Killian. We welcome her back to UTLC and look forward to sharing Sunday morning worship with her. Our musician this morning is Corey Olver. She has graciously agreed to continue to serve as our live/virtual musician. We are thankful for her service and look forward to beautiful music in the months to come. Email: [email protected] |
April 7th - Second Sunday of Easter
Pastor Shirley Guider, Guest Pastor
Our guest preacher this morning is Pastor Shirley Guider. We welcome her back to UTLC and look forward to sharing Sunday morning worship with her. Our musician this morning is Corey Olver. She has graciously agreed to continue to serve as our live/virtual musician. We are thankful for her service and look forward to beautiful music in the months to come. Email: [email protected] |
March 31st - Easter Sunday
We will have two worship services on Easter Sunday: 6:45 at Sky Island (follow signs from Jugtown Hill Road) and 10:00 in the sanctuary. If weather is bad, the 6:45 service will also be in the sanctuary. Please check our website or Facebook page if in doubt. Watch the video anytime on our Facebook page.
Pastor Heckman and Pastor Ellis-Killian, Guest Pastors Our guest preacher for the Easter sunrise worship today at 6:45AM is Pastor Heckman. And our guest preacher for this morning at 10AM at the church is Pastor Sandra Ellis-Killian. We welcome them back to UTLC and look forward to sharing Sunday morning worship with them. Our musician this morning is Corey Olver. She has graciously agreed to continue to serve as our live/virtual musician. We are thankful for her service and look forward to beautiful music in the months to come. Email: [email protected] |
March 24th - Palm/Passion Sunday
Pastor Ellis-Killian, Guest Pastor
Our guest preacher this morning is Pastor Sandra Ellis-Killian. We welcome her back to UTLC and look forward to sharing Sunday morning worship with her. Our musician this morning is Kyle Page. Kyle previously served as our music director and is back in the area! He has agreed to assist Corey Olver in providing music for us. We are thankful for their service and look forward to beautiful music! Email: [email protected] |
March 17th - Fifth Sunday of Lent
Pastor Tim Taylor, Guest Pastor
This week we welcome Pastor Tim Taylor back to our pulpit. Pastor Tim, now retired and living in Florida, has prepared a video sermon for us, which we will play during the service. Our musician this morning is Corey Olver. She has graciously agreed to continue to serve as our live/virtual musician. We are thankful for her service and look forward to beautiful music in the months to come! Email: [email protected] |
March 10th - Fourth Sunday of Lent
Dr. Paul Nye, Guest Pastor
Our guest preacher this morning is Dr. Paul Nye. We welcome him back to UTLC and look forward to sharing Sunday morning worship with him. Our musician this morning is Corey Olver. She has graciously agreed to continue to serve as our live/virtual musician. We are thankful for her service and look forward to beautiful music in the months to come! Email: [email protected] |
March 3rd - Third Sunday of Lent
Pastor Ellis-Killian, Guest Pastor
Our guest preacher this morning is Pastor Sandra Ellis-Killian. We welcome her back to UTLC and look forward to sharing Sunday morning worship with her. Our musician this morning is Corey Olver. She has graciously agreed to continue to serve as our live/virtual musician. We are thankful for her service and look forward to beautiful music in the months to come! Email: [email protected] |
Feb. 25th - Second Sunday of Lent
Dr. Paul Nye, Guest Preacher
Our guest preacher this morning is Dr. Paul Nye. We welcome him back to UTLC and look forward to sharing Sunday morning worship with him. Our musician this morning is Corey Olver. She has graciously agreed to continue to serve as our live/virtual musician. We are thankful for her service and look forward to beautiful music in the months to come! Email: [email protected] |
Feb. 18th - First Sunday of Lent
Pastor Sandra Ellis-Killian, Guest Pastor
Our guest preacher this morning is Pastor Sandra Ellis-Killian. We welcome her back to UTLC and look forward to sharing Sunday morning worship with her. Our musician this morning is Kyle Page. Kyle previously served as our music director and is back in the area! He has agreed to assist Corey Olver in providing music for us. We are thankful for their service and look forward to beautiful music in the months to come! Email: [email protected] |
Feb. 4th - Fifth Sunday after Epiphany
Pastor Sandra Ellis-Killian, Guest Pastor
Our guest preacher this morning is Pastor Sandra Ellis-Killian. We welcome her back to UTLC and look forward to sharing Sunday morning worship with her. Our musician this morning is Corey Olver. She has graciously agreed to continue to serve as our live/virtual musician. We are thankful for her service and look forward to beautiful music in the months to come! Email: [email protected] |
Jan. 28th - Fourth Sunday after Epiphany
Dr. Paul Nye, Guest Preacher
Our guest preacher this morning is Dr. Paul Nye. We welcome him back to UTLC and look forward to sharing Sunday morning worship with him. Our musician this morning is Corey Olver. She has graciously agreed to continue to serve as our live/virtual musician. We are thankful for her service and look forward to beautiful music in the months to come! UTLC Annual Meeting Please remember to mark your calendars to attend our annual meeting on January 28th, directly after 10 AM worship. We need a quorum of members present to conduct church business including the 2024 budget. An email with budget attached will be sent out shortly. We will send hard copies to those members that we know do not use email. If you would like to be mailed hard copy please let Carol D. know. Email: [email protected] |
Jan. 21st - Third Sunday after Epiphany
Dr. Paul Nye, Guest Preacher
Our guest preacher this morning is Dr. Paul Nye. We welcome him back to UTLC and look forward to sharing Sunday morning worship with him. Our musician this morning is Corey Olver. She has graciously agreed to continue to serve as our live/virtual musician. We are thankful for her service and look forward to beautiful music in the months to come! UTLC Annual Meeting Please remember to mark your calendars to attend our annual meeting on January 28th, directly after 10 AM worship. We need a quorum of members present to conduct church business including the 2024 budget. An email with budget attached will be sent out shortly. We will send hard copies to those members that we know do not use email. If you would like to be mailed hard copy please let Carol D. know. Email: [email protected] |
Jan. 14th - Second Sunday after Epiphany
Ingrid Johnson, Lay Worship Leader Our worship leader this morning is Ingrid Johnson. Ingrid is one of our members and she has graciously agreed to lead worship this morning. Our musician this morning is Kyle Page. Kyle previously served as our music director and is back in the area! He has agreed to assist Corey Olver in providing music for us. We are thankful for their service and look forward to beautiful music in the months to come Email: [email protected] |
Jan. 7th - Baptism of Our Lord
Pastor Ellis-Killian , Guest Pastor
Our guest preacher this morning is Pastor Sandra Ellis-Killian. We welcome her back to UTLC and look forward to sharing Sunday morning worship with her. Our musician this morning is Corey Olver. She has graciously agreed to continue to serve as our live/virtual musician. We are thankful for her service and look forward to beautiful music in the months to come! Email: [email protected] |